OM-Wellness Process
A fulfilling and satisfying life is predicated upon the balance of all its component parts. Too much or too little of anything can have severe repercussions.
The OM-Wellness Survey will help you to understand what your natural balance of Mind, Body and Nature capacities already are. Mind represents your innate power in all is current and potential aspects; Body represent current and potential state of this amazing physical vessel we have been gifted with; and Nature represents both the natural environment and your community and relationships, from which you derive additional strength.
The results and customised instructions will help you learn how the OM-Wellness Process can impact your life as you optimise your strengths and support your weaknesses in each area.
The survey consists of 27 multiple choice answers and some demographic details, it should take about 5 minutes to answer and you will see your results immediately afterwards.
1. I have a health plan that includes items to manage my body.
2. I have a health plan that includes items to manage my mind.
3. I have a health plan that includes items to manage my environment / relationships.
4. Physical health directly contributes to overall wellbeing.
5. Mental health directly contributes to overall wellbeing.
6.Healthy environment / relationships directly contribute to overall wellbeing.
7. I am aware of my physical condition and health.
8. I am aware of the impact my emotions have on daily life.
9. I am aware of the quality of my environment / relationships.
10. I look for and consume information on physical health and fitness.
11. I look for and consume information on mental health.
12. My community, family and friends are regularly present in my mind.
13. I regularly measure and track my fitness.
14. I am regularly present to my thoughts.
15. When I am feeling stressed, my support network easily springs to mind.
16. I regularly check my health.
17. I am regularly present to my emotions.
18. I stay present to the community within my social support network.
19. I am disciplined in keeping to an exercise plan.
20. I actively maintain "me time".
21. I actively reach out to my network of family and friends.
22. I keep to a healthy sleep pattern.
23. I attend counselling or psychotherapy.
24. I readily express my needs to those around me when needed.
25. I regularly eat healthy ingredients and quantities of food.
26. I engage in several activities to maintain my mental health.
27. I actively seek and nurture human connections (not digital).
What level of annual investment are you prepared to make in yourself?
Which best describes you right now?
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